x264 Encoding Help!

January 20th, 2020

Hello guys!
I’m using MeGUI to encode TV shows to 150mb
And I’m using x264-HQ Slow preset and I keep bitrate 500 mostly and never less then 470!
I use video size as 848 x 480 (480p TV Shows) Or should i start resizing them to (720 x 400)?
The problem is… Sometime the audio gets a bit (very slightly) out of sync and the video also gets a little (not too much) jerky…
Looking for someone who can help me through.

Answer #1
stick to 848 x 480..
Answer #2
stick to 848 x 480..
Thanks for suggestion!
Any solution to the other problems?
Answer #3
you using .mp4 or .mkv? if you’re using .mkv, look for mkvmuxer and learn how to lip sync. tbh the “preset” you’re using is outdated. MEGUi is good and you get great results if you’re using it right.
but yes, if you’re doing TV shows, I’d go with:
624×352 depending on the AR. :p
Answer #4
Where can i get an updated preset? I don’t see any updates available in megui
Answer #5
I don’t have MEGUi on this PC or I’d give you mine, sorry. google can help though or I can teamviewer you and set a good one up. up to you. MKVMuxer helps with sync issues, look in the tutorials section on here, I’m sure there’s a tut in there. :p
Answer #6
Check PM!
Answer #7
Answer #8
Adjusting the sync rate using variable frame rate is idiotic and should be punished by a parma ban from the internet. What happens if the player doesn’t support this ? Out of sync audio. Way to ruin the already pathetic hardware support.


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