What’s up with YouTube’s replies’ notifications?

January 25th, 2020

It’s already like that for a while and it’s pretty annoying.
I guess that everyone have it, but just to be sure.
I just uploaded a video two days ago and it already got about 100,000 views so it keeps getting replied, but instead of showing several reply notifications in your inbox for several replies, it only shows one and that’s it, and it also doesn’t mark it as “read” when being opened so it keeps showing like there’s a new message.
If I’ll try to delete it, it won’t be instantly deleted. You need to delete it and re-enter the inbox page.
Does everybody got this?
And there are also some bugs with their video processing. First, it seems to cut a short moment from the end of the videos, so if you need to exactly hear or see something from the end of the video, it stops it a bit before and that’s pretty annoying and can mess up videos. You can extend the video with a second of a black frame or something similar before uploading, but as well for just making it more tedious, I forget about that problem many times when it’s a video that should have a full ending and it ends up cropped.
Another thing is that many videos get processed, most likely, badly and come up with an unstable playback.
I don’t think that I’ve seen it with other, or at least many other videos, but it seems to happen many times with my uploads, including with different formats in case that it could’ve had a problem with a specific video type.

Answer #1
You can disable the notifications by going to ” Account – > Email options – > How Often Youtube Can Email me – > Uncheck the one’s you don’t want them to notice you about” About the rest, send a complain to youtube’s staff.
Answer #2
I didn’t speak about the Email notifications.
Inside the YouTube page there’s an inbox section and every time there’s a reply it marks it, but it doesn’t work properly.


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