Txml file

July 14th, 2020

How do you convert Txml? I tried txmlconvert_final.exe, it opens a dos window which closes again instantly. I hate when dos windows do that.
Answer #1
it opens a dos window which closes again instantly. I hate when dos windows do that.
That’s because you’re not using it correctly!
It’s clearly a command-line based app and not a GUI one.
You have to run it from a command prompt window, And not just double click it!
First place both the app and the file you wanna convert into the same folder (I.E c:\abc) to make things easier.
If you’re on XP, Press Winkey+R, Type cmd and hit enter. If Vista+, Click on the start menu, Type cmd into the search box, Once found, Right click it and choose “Run As Administrator”. Get into to the folder/drive where the app is located and run it to see it’s parameters (No need to include .exe, the file name itself would do!) If it doesn’t output anything useful, Try “txmlconvert_final /? or txmlconvert_final /help”. Some basic dos commands:
cd\ – get’s you into the root of the current partition (I.E if you’re currently in c:\windows, it’d get you into c:\)
cd folder or cd folder\folder (Will get you into a particular folder or subfolder)
driveletter: (Will get you into another partition)
Good luck!
Answer #2
Thank you very much!
BUT why is the command txmlconvert \tUTF8 profile.txml profile.xml not known?
Its exactly how it should be. Edit: no space infront of the \t?? I will try that..
Ok…now it does not find the path. Like I created c/a, I am in folder a running txmlconvert, the profile file is in same folder.. I need to set output path?
Answer #3
That should be txmlconvert_final and not just txmlconvert. Also, You should use a forward slash
for the parameter (/) and not a \. Do keep in mind that you have to get into the correct folder first (That contains both the app and the file you wanna convert) use the cd command as explained in my previous post.
Answer #4
I am in the specific folder, and txmlconvert is running.
txmlconvert\tUTF8 profile.txml profile.xml
is supposed to be the right command, but it does not find the path. The slash infront of the t is right, I tried to add path like c:/a/profile.txml c:/….
Tried that with backslashes as well, no luck..
Since I am in the right folder just …profile.tmxl…profile.. should be ok? The mentioned command is supposed to be right, so I dont know.
Tried that with _final at the end as well, even tho I am quite sure there its not correct.
Answer #5
Not sure if that was a typo or not, But there has to be a space between the app and the parameters!
Also, According to Google, It has be a forward slash and not a backwards one (And personally, I never encountered any command line apps that used a backward slash for those, Forward flash is pretty much the standard) If the file name is txmlconvert_final.exe, Then yes, You have to include _final. Try these:

txmlconvert_final /tUTF8 profile.txml profile.xml txmlconvert_final /tUTF8 c:\foldername\profile.txml c:\foldername\profile.xml

Answer #6
\t<target> is a command, so this is ok. I tried exactly like you wrote the paths, but it cannot find the path.
If you want to see original instructions, google Warlock 2 cs.rin”dot”ru, its on last page. Idiot did not upload edited file LOL Regarding the space, with space it does not recognize the command, without cant find the path.
Answer #7
Are you using Vista+? Have you ran command line as Admin?
I was referring to the space between the app file name to the parameters.
You can’t just do appx1234 or whatever, There has to be a space between em.
Answer #8
I am on Win7 running as admin, and Yes, a space is needed. Now I just tried convert which says not allowed parameter – profile.txml The guy who posted did not post for noobs, just giving a general idea basically.
And in help it says just the target option, ansi, utf8…
No command like convert or txmlconvert. For me just convert seems to be better now, even tho its not working.
Answer #9
Run the app as-is (no parameters) so it’d list em. Try to figure it out from there.
Answer #10
I tried many things now but no luck. Is there no clear instruction on the net?? You are very helpful but I do not get it to work. Edit: IT WORKS! I basically did again exactly like you wrote, now with .exe at the end.. I dont know, maybe I had a typo before.
Thanks again, mate!
Have a good night!


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