searching for good private wow server

July 21st, 2022

Im looking for a private WoW server, any ideas on the best one?.. Is it even worth playing priv?
Answer #1
i was on a server called wow cavalier, their rates were x1000, it was a great server, or it is, i stopped playing wow some months ago, but i dont remember the website sorry.
Instead, i found you a topsite where you can look for some wow servers i found the cavalier for first time in there so i know this will help you out:
Answer #2
Wowscape, Good server and fun to play
Answer #3
yes wowscape is god they now have 4 diff servers of all different rates
Answer #4
Wowscape…the biggest and the best private server ever on the planet.
Answer #5
Wowscape was the best out of the ones I tried, i played for a while on the blizzlike servers


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