
February 3rd, 2020

I want to overclock my Q6600, but i still have the stock heatsink. I don’t want to boost the speed to much because i know that would damage my cpu as i only have the stock heatsink, but i want it a little bit faster like 2.6 or 2.7 or somthing. What would be a safe speed to have it at that should’nt produce too much heat?
These are the temps/settings at the moment.
I understand that i have to up my FSB speed to 290 so that 9 x 290 = 2610 [2.6ghz] but would should i change my voltage to and my ram timing [If i need to]
could anyone give me some ruff gueses.
I have read alot of tuts on how to overclock, but i don’t understand what ram timings i need to change and voltage [if i need to]

Answer #1
as long as it is under full load around 60/70 degrees celcius it is fine(but preffer lower)
Answer #2
ram timmings u need chance so far i no …if u not the cant follow cpu fsb..so far i know.20$ bigger cpu fan is better and less noise dude.
good luck.
Answer #3
You don’t need to change your voltage unless your pc doesn’t start running. then you need to put more voltage… but else you could just change bus speed to 290 – 300 but try it in steps with 10 to make sure you don’t blow it up
Answer #4
well an good cpu fan is the scythe infinity, has very good performance should keep your cpu cool(use good thermal stuff though like artic silver 5 orso).


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