Need help with torrented Reflector (iPhone screen recording)

May 14th, 2018

after installation copy crackeado1 and crackeado2 to app dir, open crackeado1 put anything you want for serial and hit ok, it should show "Thank you for purchasing Reflector" then close it from the little icon in the task bar....
after doing all that open crackeado2 it shouldn't show anything like a window when opened, just the icon in the task bar, from that icon you can configure program options...
if all that happens, then you can delete original reflection.exe and crackeado1.exe, and rename crackeado2.exe to reflection.exe (working)
I couldn’t find the app dir. I went to Local Disk, and Program Files, and then looked for any program starting with the letter ‘r’ for ‘reflector’ but couldn’t find it.
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Answer #1
I couldn’t find the ‘application directory of the Reflector. What to do?
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Answer #2
Oh wait, i think i forgot to install it in the first place.
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Answer #3
I could delete the relfection.exe and rename the crackado2 as reflection.exe but I couldn’t delete the crackado1. (It says it’s being used). Could that be a problem?
Answer #4
I was finally able to delete it but when I try to run it, it’s asking for the serial number…should I delete again and try again? Or is there something that I might have been doing wrong?


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