Need help with Rapidshare premium account please.

July 31st, 2016

Hey guys.
I bought my Rapidshare premium account on 26 December 2007 and in that week I used up all of my 25GB download limit from Rapidshare.
So that means 5 days later my account gets refreshed for another 25GB, 5 days from the 26th = 31st, which is today. However, when I log into my rapidshare account I see that it hasn’t fully refreshed and it says that ‘In the last 5 days you have downloaded 23561 MB.’ It should say ‘0 MB’ because my limit has been refreshed? So I thought it was a bug or error and continued to download a few movies etc. Then I get the error message when try to download another part ‘You have downloaded more than 25 GB in the last 5 days exceeding your download limit.’
So it has only refreshed about 2GB for me when it should have been 25GB. Has this happened to anyone else? Does it refresh on the exact hour of making the account?
I have emailed them but I assume it’s going to be a few days for them to get back to me.
Any help or advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I really want to get back to downloading.

Answer #1
it takes in a account the last 5 days.. so if u downloaded 5 Gb each day.. then each day passes on you get 5 Gbs removed from the history.
so if u download 20 Gbs in one day.. u will have to wait until this day is 6 days ago from today so they free this amount from the history.
Answer #2
it takes in a account the last 5 days.. so if u downloaded 5 Gb each day.. then each day passes on you get 5 Gbs removed from the history.
I don’t understand?
So what it does now it knocks 5GB off the history every day?
Answer #3
sorry for not being clear.
lets take this scenario
day 1 – you download 4 Gb
day 2 – you download 6 Gb
day 3 – you download 5 Gb
day 4 – you download 3 Gb
day 5 – you download 7 Gb
now by then.. you have downloaded 25 Gb which is the limit.
the next day .. day 6 .. u must have only 4 Gbs freed off you history. coz in the last 5 days ,, you will have download 7+3+5+6=21 Gbs
and taking into consideration what u download on day 6 it will be added to your history as you go through the day.
Answer #4
sorry for not being clear.
lets take this scenario
day 1 - you download 4 Gb
day 2 - you download 6 Gb
day 3 - you download 5 Gb
day 4 - you download 3 Gb
day 5 - you download 7 Gb
now by then.. you have downloaded 25 Gb which is the limit.
the next day .. day 6 .. u must have only 4 Gbs freed off you history. coz in the last 5 days ,, you will have download 7+3+5+6=21 Gbs
and taking into consideration what u download on day 6 it will be added to your history as you go through the day.

I think I understand now. It kinda works like a pattern?
So tommorow I will have more of a limit because it will refresh again?
Answer #5
yes its a running 5days so each new day the first days downloads are removed from the total


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