Ditching iPhone 4 for a Windows Phone 7 HTC HDS7

September 1st, 2013

Hey guys! So I’m getting pretty bored of my iPhone 4 and I have been really digging the AT&T HTC HDS7 Windows Phone 7.
I was wondering What you guys think about Windows 7 Phones? I really don’t use much apps on my iPhone, I have many downloaded but I really don’t use them at all. All I really do is Text, Call, Facebook App, and some games.
Can I root a Windows phone 7 like or similar to iPhone 4 and Android?
Stay with my iPhone 4 or get the HTC HDS7?
Thanks for the feedback!

Answer #1
There is an “official jb” available for WP7..
wp7 has the best ui of all mobile OS. I like it but I would use iOS coz I like all those jb apps and themes and use them a lot.[quote]


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