Creating my first app

January 24th, 2020

I have used visual studio and have a lack of coding knowledge. I have an app idea that is simple and effective. It has the structure that is similar to a lot of transport apps. Any advice on what to read, steps etc
Thank you

Answer #1
learn some basics from youtube or some pdf and try those then u will get some idea. Plan your project that how it going to work if you have database system design ur database.
Answer #2
Since you lack the coding knowledge to create your app, you obviously need to get started with the basics.
You can Google for tutorials (you’ll find plenty) or look for video tutorials like the one from Lynda:
Answer #3
An app for what? iOS or Android?
Either way, go to youtube and look for thenewboston
best tutorials on the net for learning code imo
Answer #4
Thanks for all the information. I plan for the app to be iOS then android.
Answer #5
Try asking in the programming section, they might give you more specific answers to your problems. They helped with my computer programming


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