Converting SMF to Fireboard ?

August 21st, 2022

How can I convert smf to fireboard ?
Answer #1
Migrate from SMF or Joomlaboard to Fireboard
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Migrate from SMF or Joomlaboard to Fireboard
Posted by webadmin - 2007/08/30 17:48
I had SMF 1.1.3 running on Joomla 1.0.13 and wanted to use the new Fireboard which utilizes my Community Builder
component a bit better and no bridge required like SMF.
here is how I did it
This solution uses a medeator (Joomlaboard which is what Fireboard was born from).
Anyhow here is a link to the post that walks you through this solution
All you should have to do is
1.) install joomlaboard (do not have fireboard installed at this time and I suggest using the older version of Joomlaboard
like 1.1.2 which can be found in my Downloads area if you need it)
2.) download the converter script and edit mysql.php (converter script can be found in the downloads/files section of this
website and is named SMF to Joomla Convert)
if( false == mysql_connect("LOCATION", "DBUSER", "DBPASS") ) /// FILL with your connections details ie location is
usually localhost etc.
if( false == mysql_select_db("DBNAME") ) // FILL with your database name example joom3
3.) Place files in same directory as forum (may need to rename index.php to index2.php if conflicts)
4.) Open a browser and run (or index2.php if you renamed it)
5.) Open the Fireboard Admin utility and Upgrade the Joomlaboard (in this step the jos_fb_????) tables get created
using the Joomlaboard tables (jos_sb_?????).
6.) Now we need to fix the imported tables..... Open phpadmin and click on the SQL tab and paste the following:
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_attachments` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `mesid` );
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_categories` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `id` );
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_categories` ADD INDEX ( `parent` );
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_categories` ADD INDEX `published_pubaccess_id` ( `published` , `pub_access` , `id` );
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_messages` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `id` );
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_messages` ADD INDEX (`thread`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_messages` ADD INDEX (`parent`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_messages` ADD INDEX (`catid`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_messages` ADD INDEX (`ip`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_messages` ADD INDEX (`userid`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_messages` ADD INDEX (`time`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_messages` ADD INDEX (`locked`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_messages` ADD INDEX `hold_time` (`hold`,`time`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_messages_text` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `mesid` );
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_moderation` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `catid` , `userid` );
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_sessions` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `userid` );
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_smileys` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `id` );
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_subscriptions` ADD INDEX (`thread`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_subscriptions` ADD INDEX (`userid`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_users` ADD `group_id` INT( 4 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL AFTER `karma_time` , ADD `uhits` INT(
11 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `group_id` ;
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_users` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `userid` );
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_users` ADD INDEX (`group_id`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_whoisonline` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `id` );
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_whoisonline` ADD INDEX (`userid`);
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_categories` CHANGE `id` `id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_messages` CHANGE `id` `id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
ALTER TABLE `jos_fb_smileys` CHANGE `id` `id` INT( 4 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
REPLACE into `jos_fb_smileys`(`id`,`code`,`location`,`greylocation`,`emoticonbar`) values (1,'','cool.png','cool-
Forum - mywiseguys l.l.c.
fireboard Forum Component version: 1.0.2
Generated: 18 November, 2007, 03:07
Page 2
UPDATE 'jos_fb_messages_text' set message = replace(message,'joomlaboard','fireboard');
7.) Click Go... now don't be alarmed by the error's you get. Just note what line of the pasted code did it error on (which
means it processed all the prior lines sucessfully). So re-paste the code and remove all previous lines to include the line
that errored and click Go again. Do this until you have stepped through the entire code.
8.) You should now be working. If you had the Register Global Emulation=ON to support Joomlaboard 1.1.2, you can
turn that back to =OFF now that you upgarded to Fireboard.
issue with solution: I could only get this to work with Joomlaboard version 1.1.2 (an older version). Using this older
version everything worked pretty smoothly. I had to still go in and fix the time format issue which is explained in another
post in this forum as well as if you get the error message when clicking on a post:
An invalid post id was requested. /n
You must go into Joomla Admin - Site - Global Configuration - Server - Register Globals Emulation=ON
Forum - mywiseguys l.l.c.
fireboard Forum Component version: 1.0.2
Generated: 18 November, 2007, 03:07

Answer #2
thanks alot
Answer #3
your welcome…


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