Best Recording Software?

January 22nd, 2020

Whats the best Recording software to use for making 1080p videos for Youtube? Not quite sure how to use Sony Vegas i normally use like Camtasia Studio 8 but doesn’t appear to record in 1080p.
I do videos on Youtube i admit im not good with video editing and what not but looking for a software i can use to record my screen but have it Output to atleast 1080p
Camtasia Studio 8 only seems to get me 720p

Answer #1
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Answer #2
what kind of recording? game recording/desktop screen recording?
in order to get 1080p firstly you need your monitor resolution to be 1080p when you record in fullscreen if you're talking about game/screen recording.
also, this is very useful information on youtubes page:

Answer #3
Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 Pro with SP2 (with codecs). It’s what I use.
Answer #4
Camtasia Studio 8 but doesn't appear to record in 1080p
you need to create your custom setting to record in 1080. I viewed this youtube video
and it was simple to follow.
Answer #5
Just get Fraps, easy to use, and very good quality.


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